The Gulf of Saint-Tropez borders a Marine Protected Area with unique riches (Natura 2000* site). A real coastal showcase for our territory, this marine area with remarkable biodiversity extends from Cap Nègre in the west to the tip of La Rabiou in the east, between Rayol-Canadel-sur-Mer and Saint-Tropez.
In this Marine Protected Area, under everyone’s responsibility, nature and landscapes are in the spotlight: coastal cliffs, heavenly coves and very rich seabeds (Posidonia seagrass beds, coralline drop-offs with multicolored gorgonians, groupers, mammals sailors, etc.). Everything invites you to discover this extraordinary place, with respect for nature.
The Community of communes of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez is the manager of this maritime and coastal area. It guarantees the fragile balance between the preservation of biodiversity and the deployment of economic and tourist activities. This requires the implementation of a multi-year management plan drawn up in consultation with the users of the site, but also by the respectful behavior of everyone.
Good practices
During your stay, you will undoubtedly have the opportunity to admire the marvels of the marine area and contribute through your best practices to their protection :
- If you sail in its waters, you will probably come across our information patrols
- If you practice scuba diving, you will logically moor on one of our 25 buoys for dive sites
- If you go kayaking or paddleboarding, sea excursions by sail or motor, you will have access to content produced in partnership with the manager of the marine area.
- If you frequent the wild creeks, you will enjoy clean beaches, some of which are cleaned manually to preserve their biodiversity and natural character (Bonporteau, Sylvabelle, Gigaro Est, Les Brouis, Briande, Taillat)
- If you want to discover the riches of the shallow seabed, set off to discover our four marine trails
Adopt the right gestures. Help us preserve the Marine Protected Area!
For more information:
*Natura 2000 is an ecological network of sites representative of European biodiversity. It aims to promote the maintenance of biodiversity while integrating economic, social, cultural and regional concerns in a logic of sustainable development (for more information, see: